You can build a good business when your people believe in you as a leader.
You can build a great business when you as the leader believe in your people.
Let me break this down.
For people to believe and follow you as a leader there are several things you must do.
You must “do” these things to become the person worth being followed.
First, you must lead yourself.
This requires you to develop discipline, be an action taker, strong listener, and emotionally stable.
You will have to study and develop these qualities to become a great leader.
Once developed you will then need to hold yourself accountable or have someone else to help you with accountability.
People won’t continue to listen to what you say if they don’t see you following what you say.
They don’t follow your lips; they follow your feet.
This will be true for all the important areas of life.
Faith, Family, Fitness and Finances.
If you want to live an extraordinary life and make an impact you better be ready to
master the 4 F’s.
A leader in my eyes has done this.
You won’t catch me following someone who hasn’t.
It will take you time and patience but everything of value does.
Business is built on relationships and others will be willing to create a relationship with you,
if you are a leader.
If others can seek value from you, they will (rightfully so) follow you as the leader.
The same is true for business owners looking to promote or hire people to lead their company.
The most skilled leaders get the job or the promotion.
They make the most money and have the most flexibility inside of an organization.
Part two is you believing in your people.
You must check your ego at the door and let the people around you do what they are good at.
Building something great requires a team of people.
You can’t do it alone and you can’t do it through micromanagement.
You must put the team together and be very clear about what role each teammate plays
and then get out of the way.
If you lead them properly and they have the necessary skills to be put in the role then your team will thrive.
If you don’t start winning, then look at where you went wrong in this process and take
Leadership is a high-income skill and leadership is always the problem and always the solution.
Listen, the scoreboard in the 4F’s tells our story.
Either you are a strong in each of these categories or you aren’t.
It all starts with you.
You must be THE LEADER of YOU, first.
Start how I always do, by finding a leader worth following, to be the leader, you wish to
The greatest chairman of one of the greatest companies in the world, IBM, once said,

“Nothing so conclusively proves a man’s ability to lead others as what he does from day to day to lead himself.”

Talk Soon,


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