November Three Nine Alpha Alpha

By Bobby Hatfield

When I was training to become a pilot, I was consistently under a lot of pressure to keep my airplane

under control.

“Wings level, manage the airspeed and keep the nose coordinated”, my instructor would say.

While I was trying to do all of this, I was also responsible for talking to air traffic control.

Talking to ATC can be very intimidating.

They talk fast and in what seems like a foreign language as you are learning pilot lingo.

They expect you to respond quickly and be proficient with their requests.

Which is understandable, they are responsible for airplane traffic separation and safety.

Many relate talking on the radio to ATC to public speaking.

Anyone that does public speaking knows you will have some nervousness prior to going on stage.

I always did and early in my flight training I felt those same nerves while working the radio.

My instructor would tell me how many of his students, from executives to actors and athletes, ect, over  

the years, really struggled with the radios.

People are fearful that they will make mistakes and be judged by others, and it causes them to shut down.

Especially when they think others know more or are better at what they are doing or saying.

My instructor said, before you talk to ATC, you just need to remember three things.

  1. Who you are?
  2. Where you are?
  3. What do you want?

For example, my tail number is N39AA and I base my plane at Indy Regional Airport.

If I want to ask ATC to be cleared (released) to depart the airport to fly to Tampa, Florida, I would say this:

“November Three Nine Alpha Alpha (who I am) is at Indy Regional Airport (where I am) looking for clearance to Tampa International Airport (what I want).”

ATC will now have the information they need to give me clearance and directions to go.

These 3 things are what we initially communicated to ATC during all phases of flying.

These 3 things are also what are critical to get clear on in your business and personal life!

Who are you?

Are you being the person on the outside that you feel lives deep inside you?

Or are you going through life doing a career or living a certain way because you are afraid to be judged?

What strengths and skills do you have? Do you know exactly what they are and how they can help you?

Are you using them properly?

What weaknesses do you have and what knowledge do you lack?

How are you strengthening these weaknesses?

Do you have emotional baggage or ego issues?

Are you doing anything about any of these to be and live as the person you want?

To get better results in all phases of life you will need to get very clear and honest with who you are.

Where are you?

Are you broke, stressed about finances or dealing with anxiety or depression?

Did a past decision put you in a hard spot that you need to change?

Are you making just enough money and have just enough in all phases of life

to be comfortable but not fulfilled?

Do you have a great idea but not enough cash to get behind it?

Or do you have cash but no idea what to do with it?

Are you happy with a few areas of your life but not all of them?

If so, its going to be hard to change.

You will rationalize the areas you are happy with to make up for the areas you aren’t.

People do this until they deal with too much pain in an area, and it forces them to change.

When the pain is great enough, they will act.

If this is you then acknowledge it and plan to overcome it.

Get real with where you are and not where others see you or expect you to be.

What do you want?

After you lean into these first two questions it will be easier to answer this last one.

But I must say, I have yet to meet anyone that has all of this figured out.

This is a lifelong process, and the continuous search is the real value of being alive.

Changing into the new you and moving towards new wants is good for our soul!

I believe God made this world and us to do, just that.

What I want is evolving regularly and the pursuit of it gives me a life of purpose.

Along the way it has allowed me to live and incredible life.

Not a life without its challenges, but a life with many great lessons and even greater rewards.

These three questions will guide you from distractions and a meaningless existence,

but they won’t provide all the answers.

The answer to what you want will be revealed while you are in the air.

While you are trying to manage keeping the wings of life and business level,

the nose coordinated, and talk to air traffic control, all at the same time.


You can fly a Cessna or a Cirrus.

You can fly a Piston aircraft or a Jet.

You can be a passenger, or you can be the pilot.

You can stay in the hanger or take to the runway.


The choice is yours!


Talk soon!

