When the new year rolls around it always creates excitement for people to start over, start something new or re-engage what they had been working on before the holidays.
But what happens after two weeks, four weeks or two months goes by?
We are one month in right now.
How are you feeling about your plans?
What does your daily habits currently look like?
Typically, the excitement fades.
Now what was once a great plan and something you could rally around is no longer making
you feel the same way.
You get bored.
It happens to everyone!
Being able to still follow your plan while being bored is the type of discipline it takes to win.
Its called, mastering the mundane.
Not many people can do it.
We are distracted by the next exciting idea, playoff game or vacation.
As soon as you lose the focus and energy that you started with you start to lose.
This happens in your business, with your health and your relationships.
You lose to your competition, and you lose belief in yourself.
If you lose belief in yourself, the game is over!
Discipline is a high-income skill and the one that keeps most people from winning long term.
Teams don’t lose because they don’t execute enough big offensive plays.
They lose because they don’t get enough first downs.
3.4 yards per play will result in scoring a touchdown on every drive.
But that’s boring, it’s a grind and its slow.
This should be the definition of discipline.
It is boring and painful.
The design of the human brain makes it this way.
However, it produces the biggest results!
In order to fully deliver on the plan you have for your life you have to develop discipline.
Anyone can do it but its not easy.
Just as you built a plan to start the year or to start something new, you must also build a
plan to develop more discipline.
In my experience there are lots of ways you can build your day to gain 3.4 yards per play.
To be disciplined in your actions.
But most people won’t.
Don’t be most people!

Talk Soon,


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