Now that the new year has begun the energy is buzzing inside of most people to try to improve in some way from the previous year. I have been fielding questions personally and see everyone searching for answers. We turn to social media, podcasts, books and to the personal relationships we may have with people we look up to.

These are all good strategies and have all served me well over the years. But I should share that doing this each and every month for many years and not just the first month in a new year, is the winning strategy. Its boring and takes serious discipline but again, it’s the winning strategy.
In order for you to improve this year from last you will need to look past winning
for the moment and pay close attention to your strategy.

To develop a winning strategy, you most focus on the strategy first and the winning will follow. At the core of my strategy and all the 8, 9, and 10 figure entrepreneurs and business owners I know is a set of skills that we call High-Income Skills.

Here they are:

  1. Discipline
  2. Leadership
  3. Communication
  4. Marketing
  5. Sales

You might find that you are more talented and even more interested in one or two of these much more than the others and that is o.k. Being highly skilled at one of these will set you up for a lot of success. But to dominate you must develop a strong understanding and high level of execution in each of these. If you do this, you will be able to delegate the bulk of the work for your business and have a strong pulse on if you have the right team around you. The more skilled you are within these five areas the more you will be able to verify your teams’ actions and lead them appropriately.

This means that the books you read, the podcasts you listen to and the people you surround yourself with need to be teaching you these skills. Any other material you are consuming should be viewed as entertainment and is not moving you closer to financial freedom or building a business empire.

This will sound harsh but if the people you are surrounding yourself with aren’t discussing
developing these skills themselves or helping you develop these skills then they are holding you back. You don’t have to eliminate your time and relationship with them but learn how to limit it. The best investment you will make this year will be in YOU. Your skills will pay you for the rest of your life.

Any investment you make into a business, stock, bond, crypto or real estate is only as good as your ability to understand the deal and provide value to it over time. There are no bad investments but there are bad investors. Bad investors and low-skilled, or single-skilled people are forced to work jobs that pay poorly, leave you feeling empty inside, and rob you of your most valuable asset….. TIME.

Over the next five weeks I will provide a better understanding of each of the
5 High-Income Skills. Along the way you should surround yourself with others that have the winning strategy!

Win your day!


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